Saturday, February 21


" I see dead people" is one of the quotes you would hear when you watch sixth sense. Sixth sense is a movie about a child who can see dead people. Because of his gift or curse (if you want to put it that way) ,he was known to be a freak in school.

The child then self-discloses to a child psychologist and told him about his gift.

In relation to the movie, the child finds it hard to share his personal information to the child psychologist having in mind that the psychologist would make fun of him or call him a freak just like everyone else. But in the end, he was able to open up and thus, was helped by the psychologist.

Sometimes it is hard to open up or share to other people especially if we don't know them. Because of the fear that some people might think we're so random to just spill out anything you want to say.Sometimes, we are taken away by our emotions that's why we are able to self-disclose to other people... In the movie, seeing dead people is freaky and scary. You might not know they're dead already! Or some people would think you're psychotic if you see what other don't a movie with thrill...ghosts that would make you want to sleep with the light on!:)

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