Sunday, February 15

Gestures and Sign Languages

As told, non-verbal communication occurs 65% of the time. Amongst it, gestures and sign languages are no strangers towards this proclaim. Well, I chose this to talk about because I found out it wasn’t easy to be non-verbal when we can speak. What we are trying to deliver might be wrongly interpreted by others, and definitely this will be proven on Tuesday as we view different movie clips of non-verbal. I am sure that each of us will have different views of it and it is only clear when it is defined and explained by those who done it.
Moving on, have you ever wondered how it will be like if you are deaf or mute? In the process of this group work, I really find it hard to understand certain gestures without asking it. Even by shooting it, everyone around was wondering what are these lunatics doing? I saw a whole lot of different facial expressions related to that. Working on the project itself made me realize how crucial and how true it is of 65% of communication stands out. Although just by viewing it might not explain all, I am sure most of us are able to roughly interpret what is going on in the movie clip.
The thought of unable to speak really gave me the scares, and how will this world end up without verbal communication at certain aspects. A lot of things would be in chaos.

So, let’s just sit back and relax and get our popcorns ready for Tuesday’s special show!!!

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