Sunday, March 1

distractions in listening

listening is sometimes hard to do especially with distractions everywhere... we can't say that there are people who are actually experts in listening... there could be external and internal factors why people are having a hard time listening.

Poor listening could be the cause of lack of effort. listening takes effort to understand what people are trying to say. In class we need effort to understand what the teacher is talking about... so that when your seatmate asks you questions in class they won't hear you say... "sorry... all i hear is blah blah blah..." :D

2nd is message overload... for me i can relate this to cramming:) where you cant anymore understand things since there are too much information being fed into your brain all at the same time.

3rd is psychological noise. Psychological noise has to do with our mind. Sometimes people would think you're psychotic when you hear things they can't hear. :D

4th is physical noise. It is when we hear external noise like the noise that comes from the air conditioner...or crickets at night... the noise that surrounds us. This is sometimes annoying for some especially when you're trying to do something important thus, you want silence but you can't achieve that silence since the external noise is driving you crazy!

5th is hearing offense but i think we are most likely to relate this to elder people. where they can't even hear what you're saying so you maximize your volume but when you do that they'll get angry cause you're shouting at them... funny lol. funny experience. Not only elders but people who are born with hearing problems.

lastly is media influences. we tend to "not hear" properly what news anchors are saying since we are distracted but the mini scroll bars moving while they are speaking. I believe that it is impossible to read and listen at the same time. It's either you get more information one one side or you don't get anything at all.

People sometimes say "it's easy!! all you have to do is listen!!" this goes for some parents :)
its east to say but sometimes hard to do especially if you are not willing to do it. :)

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