Sunday, March 1

Brain damaging conflicts

conflicts are hard to's either you win some or you lose some... it's hard to have a win-win solution. it's sometimes make your brain "soupy" ( meaning it's squeezing or using a lot of your brain thus making it all watery) when coming up with solutions to solve conflicts.

win-lose: it is when one of you wins while the other one loses. sometimes conflicts are solved when people tend to stoop down from what they believe in just to avoid more and more conflicts or make the conflicts even worst. This happened to me and my brother. we fought over who is getting the last piece of junk food. (yes, junk food^^). i have my point on why i should have that last piece... i am older than him, skinnier than him and lastly i'm a girl!!:) that's why i should have the last piece. he too has his side of reasons why he should have the food. In the end, i ended up giving him the last piece thus, having a win- lose situation. he won-i lost.

lose-lose: when both parties lose :) For instance: my brother and i wanted to go somewhere on the the same day, at same time but different place. we are arguing on who is getting the car. None of us gave in since we felt that it is important for us to go. we argued for about an hour until our mother made the decision that none of us are going out. (in short we're both got grounded) :(

win-win: two parties win. this win-win situation is hard to achieve. i myself is having a hard time achieving this situation especially when me and my brother are fighting (yes, we fight a lot). our mom usually have solutions for my brother and i to have a win-win situation. This happened to us when me and my brother wanted to watch our own favorite show. same time same day but we only have one TV. we fought on who is going to give in so that the other one could watch his/her favorite show. In the end we both ended up watching our favorite show... its just that he watched it on replays while i watched it on the original time.

solving conflicts can be brain damaging ! ( just an expression:D) it's hard to live a life with a lot of conflicts especially when you don't know how to fix them or having someone fix them for you. Yeah, conflicts sometimes make people feel down especially when you lose or in a lose- lose situation. It is better to have an open-mind about the conflicts you're facing. Try going or asking people you trust for hep.:)

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