Sunday, March 8

Group / Teamwork – in Sports

Well, I just got back from a long weekend having my competition. It was a well memorable experience this time with me as my team representing Help fared quite well on our first outing as a team in the competition.
To be in relevant, these three days, what I had been through with the team was remarkable. We were made up of combination on different level of players from different states in Malaysia. We got together to play competitively only for the first time. But surprisingly, we performed as if we were playing together as a team for so long.
In this scenario, I see our teamwork as the best among all the other teams. We had a common goal, which was trying to win the competition. All those in the team were either scholarship holders or those that are applying for it. Hence the outcome of this competition would aid them in the future in applying for the Help scholarship. With that in mind, everyone in the team played their hearts out and did their best.
Our common goal was simple, try and win the competition. It was quite a tedious task as there were 16 participating teams being divided in to 4 groups. Only the top two teams of each group advances into quarter finals. From quarter final onwards, it is knockout out system until the finals, in other words, to win this competition, you will need to win all of your matches.
Having the basic game senses for the sports itself, and with certain game plans and strategies we had discussed each time before a match brought us well. Every player performed their role, followed the strategies planned and voila, Help team came up as the champion although participating it for the first time under Help tag.
To me personally, there is no way one playing as an individual in their team will able to make it far in a competition of team sports. The saying of “you are only as strong as your weakest link” was instilled into everyone of us and we covered each other’s back during the game.
This weekend is indeed an unforgettable one for me n my mateys


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